what r dis lulz
My name is Josh. I might like you, I might not. Add me? MSN: kingsofchaosrulz@hot mail.com or www.myspace.com/pray ingyoshua. Its all good.
Age 34, Male
Birmingham, England
Joined on 12/17/03
U made my heretic list, courtesy of nrmetal.
When we take over these internets you will die.
I R heretic.
ima gonna rape chu
wen wii tayke ofer de intarwebs u r gona dye big tyme, d00d. you fukign n008 wei wil liek totttalie pwnxxor yoo adn ters nutign u cna d00 abuot it.
C'mon then! Bring it, I can argue over teh netwebz0rz too, aswell also.
Dude are you a skatrer? You look like one...Im a mountain biker s'fun cause I get hurt alot.
I used to skate, not for years though.
People call me a skater all the time though, idiots trying to insult me etc.
fat people arent bad
I bet you're fat =)